BD to get third chunk of IMF loan next week 

The disbursement of the third tranche of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) loan proposal will be presented on June 24 at the next executive council meeting. If approved, Bangladesh will receive the loan in the next two days .This time, for the third installment, 115.2 million US dollars is to be paid. The third tranche amount has also increased due to the big devaluation of Taka.  Apart from this, due to the dollar crisis in Bangladesh, the amount of dollars in this installment has also increased. 

The meeting will be held at 9:30 pm Bangladesh time at headquarters of the IMF in Washington. Sources said that the review report of the third installment of the loan in favour of Bangladesh will be presented in the meeting of the executive board. 

Bangladesh will get the loan amount by June 25 or 26 only if the proposal is approved in the meeting.

Economist Dr. Reza Kibria  told the Mirror Asia, "I believe that it will take three and a half more years for Bangladesh to declare bankrupt like Sri Lanka.  But the  IMF officials  do  not discuss money laundering as there is no official data regarding this.” 

He said  Awami League the  government has come a long way in the direction if Sri Lanka’s economic situation; the help of the IMF would not have been sought by the Awami league government otherwise . “

We are going to have a big economic problem. The government is destabilised the situation by raising the prices of everything including oil and gas and approached the IMF,” Kibria also said. 

He also said that the government's corruption, looting and misrule are responsible for the current social and economic situation in Bangladesh. The government has stolen people's money in the name of development projects. 

"People’s money has been siphoned off with government support. There is no initiative to bring it back— the government has no initiative to arrest the culprits".

The IMF has approved the proposal of the  $4.70 billion of Extended Credit Support along with two other loan programs which would be given to Bangladesh.

Bangladesh sent a letter to the IMF asking for loan on July 24 last year. On January 31 last year, the IMF approved a loan proposal of $4.7 billion. Of this, $116 million has been released in two installments. Now it is at the stage of releasing $115 million for the third installment.

Meanwhile, the central bank has increased the interest rate. A crawling peg (fluctuation within a range) has been introduced to the dollar price. The price of the dollar increased by  Tk 7 in a day. Now the work is going on to make the price of the dollar market based. Fuel prices are in sync with the international market. Electricity prices have been increased. Subsidies are being reduced in various sectors.

According to sources, the country's foreign exchange reserves will increase with the third loan instalment of the IMF. On Thursday, the net reserve of the country was 1921 million dollars. Reserves will increase slightly as Eid remittance flows increase. As a result, if the loan amount is discounted, this time the reserve will again exceed 2 thousand billion dollars. This will provide temporary relief to the reserves. However, in the first week of July, Bangladesh will have to pay the Asian Clearing Union (ACU) over $100 million that the country owes to the organisation.