Bangladeshis are killed at the border on Indian government’s order: Touhid Hossain

Bangladeshis are regularly being shot dead by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) along the Bangladesh-India border. Despite numerous promises and meetings to stop these killings, there has been little to no change. In fact, the number of incidents is alarmingly on the rise. Three killings were reported just in the last week. These incidents even occurred during Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's visit to Delhi. The former foreign secretary and ambassador Touhid Hossain spoke to The Mirror Asia about this contentious issue.

The Mirror Asia: What’s your view on why these border killings are happening?

Touhid Hossain: Honestly, I can’t find any reason that justifies it. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is in Delhi right now, and there are promises that both governments will discuss the issue. However, nothing fruitful seems to have come out of these discussions. The Bangladeshi administration claims that border killings have decreased this year, but I don’t see it. They even suggest that those killed by the BSF were criminals, saying they were shot because they were involved in criminal activities. Bangladesh ministers are in chorus with their Indian counterparts, saying they were criminals and that's why they were shot.

The Mirror Asia: There are laws to bring criminals to justice. Is this being followed?

Touhid Hossain: Naturally, people commit crimes. If they do, they should be brought to book and face justice. A judge will decide their punishment, whether it's one day, one month, or one year in jail. It’s not justified in any way to just shoot someone dead because they’ve committed a crime.

The Mirror Asia: There are reports that the bodies of those killed by BSF gunfire show signs of torture. What do you have to say about this?

Touhid Hossain: I can't confirm anything specific about injury marks since I haven't followed those details closely. But the main point remains that Bangladeshis are being killed at the border.

The Mirror Asia: Is there any law that can stop the border killings?

Touhid Hossain: No law allows for border killings. There’s no law that says a person should be shot dead if they cross the border. Allegedly, these people are committing crimes like smuggling. But smuggling happens at borders worldwide, even in Europe, and I've never heard of smugglers being shot dead there.

The Mirror Asia: India also shares a border with China. But such killings are not seen on its border with China.

Touhid Hossain: What you’re pointing out is crucial. Ideally, these incidents should stop. Unfortunately, Bangladesh seems to be targeted, and those involved in smuggling are often shot dead. Have you ever heard of someone being shot in the leg at the India-Bangladesh border? No, because the intent is to kill. Different excuses have been given, but there’s no genuine logic behind these killings. It’s a decision by the Indian government to shoot and kill at the border. If they officially decide to stop these killings, they will stop.

The Mirror Asia: We have seen the Bangladesh-India governments meeting at various times, with flag meetings at the border. Why is a solution not coming?

Touhid Hossain: As I mentioned earlier, unless our government strongly protests, I don't see any solution to this.

The Mirror Asia: Thank you.

Touhid Hossain: Thank you, The Mirror Asia!