BIMSTEC secretary general visits Bhutan

Secretary General of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) Indra Mani Pandey has recently made his introductory visit to Bhutan and underscored the significance of the entry into force of the BIMSTEC Charter which will provide impetus to expanding and deepening regional cooperation in the Bay of Bengal region.

He highlighted the potential outcomes of the upcoming 6th BIMSTEC Summit to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, and underlined the significance of the work of the BIMSTEC Eminent Persons’ Group. During the visit, the SG met King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck with an audience.

The King assured the SG of Bhutan’s continued support to BIMSTEC. His Majesty the King also shared with SG his vision of Gelephu Mindfulness City (GMC), who assured His Majesty of the support of BIMSTEC. During the visit, the SG met Prime Minister of Bhutan Dasho Tshering Tobgay. He apprised the Prime Minister of the current state of regional cooperation within the BIMSTEC framework.

While reiterating Bhutan’s commitment to enhancing regional cooperation, the Prime Minister underscored the critical role that BIMSTEC can play in promoting growth and development in the Bay of Bengal region. 

The SG also called on Foreign Affairs and External Trade Minister (MoFAET) D.N. Dhungyel, and reviewed with him the progress in regional cooperation within the BIMSTEC, the way forward, and the vital role of Bhutan in the success of the BIMSTEC.